Our Ministries
“What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.” – 1 Corinthians 14:26

Adult Sunday School
Our adult Sunday school meets before the worship service every week for in-depth Bible study. We ordinarily study through a book of the Bible verse-by-verse, but we also, from time to time, consider a particular Biblical topic.
Youth Ministries
Our youth meet for Bible study and fellowship on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday evenings.
Children’s Ministries
Our children meet during the Sunday school hour every week. The curriculum we use for 1st – 6th grade is called Generations of Grace, which is a chronological study through the Old and New Testaments. On Wednesday evenings our children are being taught the basic theological truths of the Christian faith through a program called Kids4truth.
Wednesday Evening Prayer
The adults meet for a time of prayer, preceded by a devotional Bible lesson.
Fellowship Meals
On the last Sunday of every month from September to May, we gather after the morning worship service for a fellowship meal in the gymnasium. Everyone is welcome!
Women’s Bible Study
The Bible commands the older women in the church to teach the younger. That is what takes place as the women meet around the Word on Tuesdays from September to May.
Men’s Bible Study
Each Spring we hold Saturday morning Bible studies for the men. These not only provide opportunity for building relationships among the men, but also instruction in Biblical principles regarding leadership.

Joshua Tree
On the last Sunday of each month, we hold a church service for the residents of Joshua Tree in North Olmsted. The service includes singing and a gospel-centered message along with, from time to time, special music from our children. We also enjoy a time of fellowship with the residents before and after the service. Everyone is welcome to join us.
Sorrento Bible Study
We have an evangelistic Bible study each Wednesday at 9:30am at Sorrento restaurant, located at 5223 Detroit Road in Sheffield Village. We study verse-by-verse through a book of the Bible with an emphasis on the Gospel and basic Christian living.
Ministries We Support
As a church, we support on a regular basis both financially and in prayer, the following individuals and ministries:
– Paul and Geri Briggs (Salt and Light Christian Fellowship)
– David & Loredana Standridge (Cornelius Ministries)
– A & C (Grace Ministries International)
– Oleg (Slavic Gospel Association)
– T.R.A.I.N. – Truth Reaching Africa in Need
– Jonathan and Sharon Moorhead (Grace Ministries International)
4816 Dover Center Road
North Olmsted, OH 44070