Samuel Rutherford

Kingsley G. Rendell Recommendation:   3/5 Author:  Dr. Rendell was a Baptist pastor and educator in Britain during the 20th c.  He passed away before this biography was published. Comments: This biography is a very even-handed treatment of a very important figure in...

The New Charismatics

  Michael G. Moriarty Recommendation:  5/5 Description of author:  Michael Moriarty is currently senior pastor of Hope Church in Mason, OH. Comments:  This is an excellent introduction to the history and theology of the Charismatic movement.  As a former Charismatic,...

Calvin: A Life

  Emanuel Stickelberger Recommendation:   4/5 Description of author:  Emanuel Stickelberger (1884-1962) was a Swiss businessman,  poet and writer Comments:  If Luther was the founder of the Reformation, Calvin was the man whom God used to ensure the enduring nature of...